Archive for the ‘’ Category

by Tim Joseph

Part of the fun of owning a new car, truck or SUV is the looks you get everywhere you go. More specifically, the looks you get from people who drive the same vehicle as you. Recently, Dick Scott dealerships have hosted annual car shows for the Motor City Viper Owners and the Nissan Infinity Owners of Detroit. There is no better feeling that the one you get from talking about your car with other people and having them tell you how much they like it.

Recently I stumbled upon a website that made me raise and eyebrow. It’s A social networking website for Jeep owners. The concept is similar to in that you sign up, post pictures, make friends and even write a blog. The difference, other than it is for Jeep owners, is that you can find Jeep events, read articles about Jeeps and join Jeep clubs. Buying a Jeep is almost like being inducted into a fraternity. Once you are an owner, you’re a member of the club and privy to some great benefits. If you’re a Jeep owner, I encourage you to sign up. If you’re not yet an owner, you should definately take a look at all of the benefits to ownership. along with our Dick Scott Difference and Rewards program, could make this the best experience you’ve ever had owning a car.

If you are interested in owning a new Jeep, please contact Dick Scott Motormall at 800-486-2415